RCSS - R1 Drag Racing V16 Motor Beast-Mode Performance Kit
New from Rc Speed Secrets. Take your already fast R1 V16 Drag Racing Motor to the next level with our new RCSS R1 Beast-Mode Titanium Motor performance kit.”
We took it to the next-level with grade 5 titanium performance parts and next-level hybrid ceramic bearings from RC Speed Secrets.
1. Every set of aluminum screws we tested stripped, some sooner than others, as it is a very soft, yet much less expensive material than grade 5 titanium and nowhere near as durable.
2. And what can you say but this package is "Beast Mode" quality and made for racers for the ultimate performance!
We’ve eliminated magnetic rotor interference and reduced rotational drag on the rotor with our Grade 5 Titanium Screws, and Next-Level Hybrid Ceramics. The stock steel screws interfere with magnetic fields in the motor, causing drag on the rotor and holding it back from its full potential. Add our proven Next-Level Hybrid Ceramic Motor Bearings, BOOST rpm, and go Beast-Mode on your competition in STYLE!
Take performance even further by adding our Next-Level Hybrid Ceramic Bearing Complete Car Kits. (Bearing sizes now sold in pairs to build your own kit)
Our RCSS line of true performance ceramic bearing complete car kits, by far, offer the most impact you can buy for your rc cars for the dollar spent over any other single hop up on the market.
Our big-race-A main results over the last 5+ years speaks for itself. Unmatched results.
"And if ya don't know......Now ya know!"
Git' some and go Beast-Mode on your competition.
Note: "Color choice applies to the 6 screws only"
"See The Performance For Yourself"